
wpknowledge mascot holding caching sign

How to use “Leverage Browser Caching” in WordPress

What Exactly is Leverage browser Caching? Caching means storing information locally on your web browser, like a kind of browser memory. It remembers things like images, JavaScript, CSS, and more. The idea is to improve the speed of your website by “remembering” things like stylesheets and images to serve them faster to returning visitors. Instead …

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wp knowledge mascot compression anvil

How to Enable GZIP Through the .htaccess File

What exactly is GZIP Compression? Compression by Gzip uses a simple algorithm which organizes repeated strings in one place, and rather than saving them repeatedly, it saves them in a single place. The Gzip compression algorithm manages strings and their location values while compressing and retrieving data from files. Gzip compression works with stylesheets and …

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